Monday, October 29, 2012


"I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't think you can measure life in terms of years. I think longevity doesn't necessarily have anything to do with happiness. I mean happiness comes from facing challenges and going out on a limb and taking risks. If you're not willing to take a risk for something you really care about, you might as well be dead." -Diane Frolov

I recently wrote a fear narrative for english about the first time I went cliff jumping, Its also titled Leap. What can I say, it must be a favorite or something.

Its powerful, that word Leap.
Risking it all for a hope of what could happen.
Taking a chance to change something for the better.

You tell me, is it better to play it safe and have a grand ol' time in our comfort zone, or to push ourselves to do things we never thought we could and become better people?
I think if you're not willing to take a risk for something you really care about, you might as well be dead. ^ (see what I did there heh heh)

Now of course my fellow beings this does not mean to be stupid.
Its kinda like the whole "YOLO" concept. This is not an excuse to do stupid things, but rather a motivation to do things that help you grow as a person.

Takings risks can be Scary. Terrifying. Difficult. But completely and utterly worth it.
In my experience and I would hope in yours, something good always comes out of taking that Leap. Even if you have a bad or say, undesirable, thing happen, it still helps you learn and grow and stretch yourself.

The more you Leap, the closer you are to being who you are capable of being.

Don't let fear rule you, be who you know you are and then even more.
Love people while you can.
Enjoy life.
Write letters.
Buy old typewriters and film cameras.
Write your soul dry.
Make someones day.
Wake up early to stretch and make a nice breakfast.
Compliment others.
Don't regret anything.
Just, simply, Leap.

That's where happiness lies.
Fear nothing, you have all the help you need, love. (Wherever it may be coming from.)



Just, simply, Leap.
Change your life.
You choose how your story ends.
**I apologize that this post was simalar to "Carpe Diem", the important stuff is always repeated, you know ;)**

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Carpe Diem

If I were to say to you,
"Just go for it!"
What would 'it' be?

Carpe diem: Used to urge someone to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future.

Its never too late to change, to go after what you want, to be the person YOU want to be.
Dont waste your days just wishing, you have to work for IT, work for what you want.

Make the Most of What You Have.
Smile at Strangers.
Dont Complain.
Be Spontaneous.
Wake Up and Live.
Dont Over Think.
Write in a Diary.
Take Pictures.
Treasure the Moment.
Be Kind.
Dont Worry.
Be Confident.

Make a Change in someones life.
Make a Change in your life.
Grab hold of your opportunities.

Carpe Diem.

<3 Lyssa

Sunday, July 1, 2012

YOUR Summer of Change

"Have this intention: Today every word you utter will be chosen conciously. You will refrain from complaints, condemnation. and criticism."
Thank you Twitter!

Im not going to go through the usual "I'm bad at blog keeping" bit. The truth is I can't write unless something really inspires me, if that makes sense.
This tweet did just that.

You know, we NEVER really know what someone is going through, even if we think we do.
I've made it a personal goal of mine to follow the above. overall what comes out of your mouth is your choice. Let's not let it be something that brings others down.

We have to work at it though, to change, to be better. It's going to take effort, and thought, and lots of determination.

It's the same when it comes to being kind and not judging others. And just know, with that little bit of effort, you could change someones life.

This is a summer for change. YOUR summer for change. To not only better yourself, but to lift others spirits, and make them feel their worth.

<3 Lyssa